Performance and MIPS
CPU Time for a program: $$ \text{CPU Time} = \frac{\text{Instructions}}{\text{Program}} \cdot\ \frac{\text{Clock cycles}}{\text{Instruction}} \cdot\ \frac{\text{Seconds}}{\text{Clock cycle}} $$
$$ \text{CPU Time} = IC \cdot\ CPI \cdot\ T_c $$
Geometric mean: $$ \sqrt[n]{\prod_{i = 1}^{n} \text{Execution time ratio}_i} $$
MIPS Cheat Sheet:
Register convention:
- Always 0
- Result registers
- Argument registers
- Temporary registers
- Content registers, save for later use
- Stack pointer
- Return address
add $t0, $t0, $t1 #t0 = t0 + t1
addi $t0, $t0, 5 #t0 = t0 + 5
addu $t0, $t0, $t1 #t0 = t0 + t1 (unsigned)
addiu $t0, $t0, 5 #t0 = t0 + 5 (unsigned)
sub $t0, $t0, $t1 #t0 = t0 - t1
subi $t0, $t0, 5 #t0 = t0 - 5
subu $t0, $t0, $t1 #t0 = t0 - t1 (unsigned)
subiu $t0, $t0, 5 #t0 = t0 - 5 (unsigned)
lw $s0, 0($a0) # s0 = MEM[a0] (word)
sw $s0, 0($a0) # MEM[a0] = $s0 (word)
l.d $s0, 0($a0) # s0, s1 = MEM[a0] (Double word)
s.d $s0, 0($a0) # MEM[a0] = $s0, $s1 (Double word)
sll $t0, $t1, 2 # t0 := t1 * 4
srl $t0, $t1, 2 # t0 := t1 / 4
and $t0, $t1, $t2 # t0 := t1 & t2
andi $t0, $t1, 2 # t0 := t1 & 2
or $t0, $t1, $t2 # t0 := t1 | t2
ori $t0, $t1, 2 # t0 := t1 | 2
nor $t0, $t1, $zero # := ~(t1)
beq rs, rt, L1 # if(rs == rt); Jump to L1
bne rs, rt, L1 # if(rs != rt); Jump to L1
j L1 # Jump to L1
- Incrementing with 1 and not 4!
- MIPS uses byte addressing
Fetch Instruction. PC → Instruction memory.
Decode the instruction and read from registers.
Execute the instruction.
- Arithmetic/logical computation.
- Computation of effective memory address.
- Computation of jump address/conditional address.
Read / Write from / to memory for load/store instructions.
Write back the result into the result register (RF).
$$ \textbf{Speedup} = \frac{T_{c \quad | \quad \text{Non-pipelined version}}}{T_{c \quad | \quad \text{Pipelined version}}} \approx \text{Number of pipeline stages} $$
- Structural hazards
- A stage is currently busy doing an operation
- Data hazards
- An instruction that depends on a earlier instruction.
- Control hazards
- The condition and potential address of a jump has not yet by the instruction fetch.
$$ h_x = \textbf{Hit rate} = \text{Percentage of hits in memory x} \newline (1 - h_x) = m_x = \textbf{Miss rate} = \text{Percentage of misses in memory x} $$
$$ T_x = \textbf{Hit time} = \text{Acces time for memory x} \newline (T_2 - T_1) = \textbf{Miss penalty} = \text{Miss penalty for a miss in memory 1} $$
Average Memory Access Time (AMAT): $$ \text{AMAT} = h_1\ T_1 + m_1\ T_2 = h_1\ T_1 + (1 - h_1)T_2 $$
$$ \frac{\text{Memory size}}{\text{Cache size}} = N \newline $$
$$ \text{Tag bits} = log_2(N) $$
Prep for exam
- Calculate the amount of access calls to data cache (read and writes) and instruction cache.
- Pipleline
- TODO: Understand each stage in depth
- Learn how to do a pipeline diagram
- Iterate and go over optimizations and how to avoid stalls.
- Performance calculations
- $CPI = CPI_{base} + CPI_{miss}$
- $CPI_{miss} = CPI_{D\ miss} + CPI_{I\ miss}$
- Memory and cache
- Iterate and go over all the different types, and how to calculate size/amount of bits.
- Go over how to calculate how long time/amount of time it takes for certain misses, with certain sizes etc.
Page table size = Number of virtual pages $\times$ Size of each page table entry
Number of virtual pages = Total virtual address space / Page size Number of virtual pages = (Number of processes $\times$ Size of each virtual address space) / Page size
Cache Offset: If block size is B bytes, offset = log2(B).
Cache Index: Given by how many blocks/sets there are.
If direct mapped, meaning 1 block per set:
Number of blocks = Total Cache Size / Sizer per block
Number of sets = (Total Cache Size / Sizer per block) / Associativity level
Cache Index = log2(Number of blocks/sets)
Cache Tag: If A is the total amount of address bits, tag = A - offset - index.
A = tag + offset + index
TLB Index: If there are E pages, index = log2(E).
TLB Tag: Tag is the rest of bits. So, if we have V virtual address bits, tag = V - index.
Calculate the size of each block entry. = Number of status bits (valid, dirt etc). + Tag bits + Data bits (Usually block size (in bytes) * 8).
Calculate the size of the cache. = Number of status bits (valid, dirt etc). + Tag bits + Data bits (Usually block size (in bytes) * 8).