So far we have looked at threads which share memory. The so-called shared memory model, but in this part weâll cover distributed memory model, specifically, message-passing concurrency.
For this weâll cover and use the programming language, Erlang!
So letâs quickly have a crash course over Erlang!
What is Erlang?
Erlang is a functional programming language with message-passing features. The message-passing part is concurrent and implements the actor model, where Erlang processes are actors.
This post wonât cover functional languages in general, so I hope you remember good âol Haskell.
Letâs look at a little code snippet from Erlang:
power(X, 0) -> 1;
power(X, N) -> X * power(X, N - 1).
Then if we enter the erl shell by erl
and doing:
power:power(2, 3).
We see the output 8!
Types in Erlang
Erlang has 8 primitives types and 5 compound types:
- Primitives
- Integers
- Arbitrary sized integers with the usual operations
- Atoms
- Floats
- 64-bit floating point numbers
- References
- Globally unique symbols
- Binaries
- Sequence of bytes
- Pids
- Process identifiers
- Ports
- Used for communication
- Funs
- Function closures
- Integers
- Compound types
- Tuples
- Fixed size containers
- Lists
- Dynamically sized containers
- Maps
- Key-value tables
- Strings
- Syntactic sugar for sequence of characters
- Records
- Syntactic sugar to access tuples elements by name
- Tuples
As you can see for example, there is no boolean type for true
and false
Instead, the atoms true
and false
are used for this.
One interesting design choice I have encountered in Erlang is the relational operators.
is numerical equal, /=
is numerical not equal. Compared to =:=
and =/=
which are the ânormalâ equal we associate with.
Order between types
In Erlang, types have a distinct order relation:
number < atom < reference < funs < port < pid < tuple < map < list
Which means that for example:
3 < true
is true.
Tuples are written like this in Erlang:
{ }
{10, 12, 98}
{8.88, false, aToM}
{10, {-1, true}}
They are also 1-indexed.
[ ]
[10, 12, 98]
[8.88, false, aToM]
[10, [-1, true]]
They have the following nice operators as well:
% A copy of L with H added as head element
[H | L]
% Get head element
% Get tail element
% Concatenation and deletion
L1 ++ L2
L1 -- L2
Records are ordered sequences with a fixed number of elements, where each element has an atom as name
- Records are just syntactic sugar for tuples where positions are named
-record(person, { name="add name", age })
Multiple expressions
The ,
operator in Erlang makes it so we can combine expressions, for example:
% Evalutes 3 < 0 and returns 2
3 < 0, 2.
% Evaluates 3 + true and fails (because of 3 + true)
3 + true, 2.
% Binds 10 to R, binds 3.14 to Pi, returns 62.8...
R = 10, Pi = 3.14, 2*Pi*R.
In our power example you may have noticed the module
and export
-export([bar/1, baz/0]).
bar(X) -> X.
baz() -> 0.
As you can the, f/n
, declares the function name and number of parameters (or arity n, with patterns).
This is something we should be familiar with from Haskell:
can_drive(Name, Age) when Age >= 18 -> Name ++ " can drive";
can_drive(Name, _) -> Name ++ " cannot drive".
Erlang is very similar to Haskell in its clauses, gaurds, pattern matchings. Since itâs functional as well, we can pass around functions as values, but also remember higher-order functions etc etc.
This is mostly so, I remember the Erlang syntax itself, and not a post on functional languages as I said :).
Erlangâs principles
Erlang has some principles that it follows, letâs take a look:
- Processes are strongly isolated.
- Process creation and destruction is a lightweight operation.
- Message passing is the only way for processes to interact with each other.
- Processes have unique names.
- If you know the name of a process, you can send it a message to it.
- Processes share no resources.
- Error handling is non-local.
- Processes do what they are supposed to do or fail.
Letâs quickly compare the different concurrent models:
- Shared memory
- Synchronize by writing to and reading from shared memory.
- Message passing
- Synchronize by exchanging messages
The actor model
Erlangâs message-passing model is based on the actor model:
- Actors are just abstractions of processes
- No shared state or resources between actors (processes)
- Actors (processes) communicate by exchanging messages - asynchronous messages passing at that.
Letâs clearly define the actors and messages:
Each actor is identified by their address, we can think of this as their unique ID.
An actor can:
messages to other actors via their addresses/IDs.change
its behavior, what it computes/how it reacts to messages.create
new actors
A message includes:
- A recipient, the identifier address/ID
- Content, arbitrary information necessary for the actors
Sending and receiving messages
A process (actor) in Erlang is created by calling spawn
it is identified by its PID (Process identifier) and executes its behavioral function, f
, (which is passed as a parameter into spawn
When the function terminates the process ends
Letâs take a look at the spawn
spawn(M, F, Args)
When creating a process, the newly created process runs the function F
in module M
with arguments Args
Letâs look at an example:
print_sum(X,Y) ->
io:format("~p~n", [X+Y]).
compute_sum(X,Y) -> X + Y.
then in the shell we just do:
spawn(procs, print_sum, [3, 4]).
And we should see the result 7
Messages are as simple, typically a message is the result of evaluting an expression:
Pid ! Message
This sends the evaluation, T
, of Message
to the process with PID, Pid
, and returns T
as a result.
Note that the, !
, or âbangâ operator is right-associative
Every process has a mailbox, this is how it becomes asynchronous, a process never needs to wait to read a message, we only need to check our mailbox.
To check a process with Pid, Pid
, we can use:
% How many elements are in the mailbox
process_info(Pid, message_queue_len)
% List of messages in the mailbox (oldest to newest)
process_info(Pid, messages)
% Empty the current process's mailbox
For example:
% Send 'hello' twice to self
self() ! self() ! hello.
% send 'world' to self
self() ! world.
process_info(self(), message).
> {messages, [hello, hello, world]}
To receive a message, we can use the receive
P1 when C1 -> E1;
PN when CN -> EN
Evaluating the recieve
expression, selects the oldest message in our mailbox, that matches the pattern.
If we donât find any match we block until a suitable message arrives.
For example, a simple echo function:
echo() ->
recieve Msg -> io:format("Receive: ~p~n", [Msg]) end.
% To make this permanent we just do this:
Note that Erlangâs runtime only provides weak guarantees of message delivery order. So itâs not guaranteed that the messages are received in the same order as sent. This is in the case when sending to multiple different processes, if we are only sending to a single process, the order will be the same.
Stateful processes
Processes can only operate on the arguments of the function they run, thus we need to store the state information using arguments.
These values gets updates by the recursive calls used to make a process permanently running.
An example makes this clear, letâs implement our beloved counter program:
base_counter(N) ->
recieve {From, Command} -> case Command of
increment -> base_counter(N + 1);
count -> From ! {self(), N},
% Unrecongnized command
U -> io:format("? ~p~n", [U])
Clients and servers
The client/server architecture is widely used, so letâs go!
A server is available to serve requests from any clients.
An arbitrary number of clients send commands to the server and wait for the serverâs response.
A server is a process that:
- Responds to a fixed number of commands
- Runs indefinitely, serving an arbitrary number of requests, until it recieves a shutdown command.
- Can serve an arbitrary number of clients
Each command is a message of the form:
{Command, From, Ref, Arg1, ..., ArgN}
is the commandâs name.From
is the PID of the client.Ref
is a unique identifier of the request.Arg1, ..., ArgN
are arguments to the command.
Math server
Letâs make a simple math server:
% Interface for the server/commands
start(): start a math server, and return the server's PID
factorial(S, M): compute the factorial of M on server with PID, S
status(S): return the number of requests server so far on the server with PID, S
stop(S): shutdown server with PID, S
The main/event loop would be:
loop(N) ->
receive% âfactorialâ command:
{factorial, From, Ref, M} ->
From ! {response, Ref, compute_factorial(M)},
% increment request number
% âstatusâ command:
{status, From, Ref} ->
From ! {response, Ref, N},
% donât increment request number
% âstopâ command:
{stop, _From, _Ref} -> ok
The starting and stopping:
% start a server, return serverâs pid
start() ->
spawn(fun () -> loop(0) end).
% shutdown âServerâ
stop(Server) ->
% Ref is not needed
Server ! {stop, self(), 0},
Factorial and status:
% compute factorial(M) on âServerâ:
factorial(Server, M) ->
% unique reference number
Ref = make_ref(),
% send request to server:
Server ! {factorial, self(), Ref, M},
% wait for response, and return it:
receive {response, Ref, Result} -> Result end.
% return number of requests served so far by âServerâ:
status(Server) ->
% unique reference number
Ref = make_ref(),
% send request to server:
Server ! {status, self(), Ref},
% wait for response, and return it:
receive {response, Ref, Result} -> Result end.